Types of Diagnostic Imaging and Screenings

We offer more of the imaging studies you need close to home.

Find a Location
At Nuvance Health®, you can access imaging services in locations throughout New York’s Hudson Valley and Western Connecticut. We offer a full range of studies and a caring team, so you have convenience and comfort.
3D cardiac scans

Diagnostic Imaging and Screenings at Nuvance Health: Why Choose Us?

Our commitment to imaging excellence has earned our centers American College of Radiology (ACR®) designation. We use modern technologies and research-based approaches for accurate imaging. Your medical needs and peace of mind are at the center of what we do, which is why we take extra steps to help you have a good experience. We offer convenient access, even for advanced imaging. And the team takes time to ease any of your concerns.

For additional information:

*In the spirit of keeping you well-informed, the physician(s)/individual(s) identified are neither agents nor employees of Nuvance Health or any of its affiliate organizations. These clinicians render services to Nuvance Health patients under an agreement with Nuvance Health. These clinicians retain independent medical judgment for all services rendered.